Ep 1 // "What is the Story You are Living" with Stephen Hess & Jeremy Irwin
Ep 2 // "What is the Mission that Compels You" with Amanda Jaws & Barry Henning
Ep 3 // "What is the Community you are Building" with Brett & Rachael Vaden
Ep 4 // "What is the Work you are Doing" with Mark Thom & Jenny York
Ep 5 // "What is the God Asking you to Steward" with Stephen & Sabrine Rhodes
Ep 6 // "Where is your Citizenship" with Curtis Gilbert
Ep 7 // "What is the Perspective you Live With" with JT Thomas
Ep 8 // "What is the Life God has Called You To" with Greg & Emily Murphy
Ep 9 // "Who is the Church God is Building" with Brent Roam & Carlos Smith
• What kind of baggage does the idea of “religion” carry?
• How does James define religion? What does showing partiality have to do with it?
• Where have you seen partiality acted out in the church or your family? How has it impacted you?
• Read again James 2:5. Discuss what this verse is teaching, especially the truths and promises it assures us of as believers.
• How have you experienced the difference between Jesus being your Savior, and him being your Lord?Is there a truth in Scripture you’ve resisted?
• What would it look like to change from resisting to resting in that truth?
• Think about this quote from James K. Smith, “You can’t think your way to Christlikeness.” What does this mean?
• What’s one habit or system that you want to be stronger in your life? E.g., Getting up instead of pressing ‘snooze’, etc.