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October 20th

•What do you believe is your God-given purpose and calling in this world? Can you articulate it? Do you have clarity about it?

• How did you arrive at this calling?

• What does it look like to practically live out the kingdom of God in your place of work?

• What are the challenges you face at work that make it difficult for you to live out a kingdom vision?

• What is one way you would like to grow or become more intentional at your work as you pursue kingdom impact?

October 13

•  Pastor Boone said, "We struggle with the temptation to create divisions and segregate based on our differences." Where do you see divisions created in our culture based on differences or preferences? Where do you see those divisions in your own life?

• How would you define reconciliation? Why is reconciliation so hard? Share a time when you have experienced true reconciliation.

• Pastor Boone said, "We should speak out against division and speak up for reconciliation."  How do we do this in love?

• Where have you seen unity and diversity modeled well by a person or organization? How can you apply that in your life?”